
Project Management Embedding Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a critical component of project management (PM). M&E helps PMs track the progress of a project, measure its effectiveness, and identify areas for improvement. An M&E system typically includes a set of indicators that are used to assess the performance of a project, as well as a plan for collecting and analyzing data related to those indicators.

Course Objectives

  • The purpose and importance of M&E in PM
  • Developing M&E frameworks and plans
  • Selecting and defining indicators for M&E
  • Collecting and analyzing data for M&E
  • Reporting on M&E findings
  • Using M&E to inform decision-making and improve project performance
Project Management Embedding Monitoring and Evaluation Lamai Institute


Diploma in Web Development
Diploma in Web Development
Postgraduate in Monitoring and Evaluation Lamai Institute
Postgraduate in Monitoring and Evaluation
Diploma in Information Technology